What are the biggest reasons we’ve got a dysfunctional government? And, no, it’s not really Democrat vs. Republican; liberal vs. conservative; left vs. right. Those have been with our country since its founding. It’s a good thing to have two sides to an argument; otherwise you get virtual dictatorships. Amongst the many reasons for the […]
Category: Government
What’s should governments actually do?
Government Part 2 – As Business
Government has no business being in, well, business. I don’t mean they shouldn’t exist, they should. They just shouldn’t try to run businesses. They always – ALWAYS – do it badly and they should leave running businesses to private, free market, entities. I include regulated monopolies as the government running a business. The government runs […]
Government Part 1 – Overview
This theme will be prevalent in my many of my blogs: Government is the problem to all our solutions. Government has its place. And different levels have their place as well. But at all levels they should largely be concerned with protecting citizens and borders, and beyond that, they should be oversight and standards bodies. […]