What is socialism anyway? Basically, socialism is communism lite. In a communist society “the state” owns everything and is responsible for everything. The state allocates everything as they see fit (i.e. “from each according to their ability, to each according to their need). In theory, whether you’re a floor sweeper or a factory manager, or […]
Author: Ed
Healthcare Part 3 – Solutions
How can we fix healthcare? Have everyone purchase their own private insurance with their own money. 1) Have employers abandon providing coverage at all. Take all the money they were spending on providing insurance and give it to the workers. 2) Turn Medicare dollars over to the recipients on a monthly basis and let them […]
Taxing The Rich
Let’s start with a few, simple facts. First, most rich people actually deserve to be rich. Most of them have done something to deserve their wealth. They’ve provided society with valuable services (Microsoft, Google); products (cars, mobile devices), or entertainment (athletes, actors). I guess you could argue that those with inherited wealth that have done […]
Healthcare Part 2 – Medicare-For-All
Medicare-For-All is such a terrible idea it should be called Ruinous-For-All. It would be ruinous for both the average person’s budget and everyone but the wealthy’s health. The reason it would be ruinous to a family’s budget is simple: the government has no concept of cost-control. Only politicians would see a budget increase as a […]
Government Part 3 – Accountability
What are the biggest reasons we’ve got a dysfunctional government? And, no, it’s not really Democrat vs. Republican; liberal vs. conservative; left vs. right. Those have been with our country since its founding. It’s a good thing to have two sides to an argument; otherwise you get virtual dictatorships. Amongst the many reasons for the […]
Government Part 2 – As Business
Government has no business being in, well, business. I don’t mean they shouldn’t exist, they should. They just shouldn’t try to run businesses. They always – ALWAYS – do it badly and they should leave running businesses to private, free market, entities. I include regulated monopolies as the government running a business. The government runs […]
Government Part 1 – Overview
This theme will be prevalent in my many of my blogs: Government is the problem to all our solutions. Government has its place. And different levels have their place as well. But at all levels they should largely be concerned with protecting citizens and borders, and beyond that, they should be oversight and standards bodies. […]
Healthcare Part 1 – Overview.
Our healthcare system is broken. But take heart, so are the ones in most other countries, even though most are government run systems. Still, bunches of people have it in their heads that we need the government to solve our healthcare issues. Government run systems either have failed or are failing pretty much everywhere. And […]
What Is Inclusion Anyway
Okay, for my first Blog, I’d like someone to define the word “inclusive” (and its’ many derivatives). Why, I hear you asking? Well, in the last year there have been many news items about one group or organization excluding another group or organization in the name of “inclusion”. The logic seems to be: “Your group […]